Kill the Spider

What I read: Kill the Spider by Carlos Whittaker

Why I picked it up: I’ve been thinking of using this analogy in an upcoming presentation, and I wanted the full explanation from the person who I heard it from.

How I read it: On audio in just a few hours. It’s short.

What it’s about: Attacking the root of an issue. Instead of sweeping cobwebs every day, kill the thing making the cobwebs. This is Carlos’ account of learning this from his father and applying it to his life.

What I liked: I appreciated the teaching and his openness in sharing about applying it to his life. I follow Carlos on Instagram and know some of his story, but this was much deeper than any of that and I appreciated that.

What I disliked: I might have liked to know some time frames for things. I know he didn’t conquer this all in a 5 day therapy retreat, but sometimes it felt like he did.

Genre: Self-Help, Christian

Rating & Recommendation: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and I think it’s worth a listen.

The Baxters

What I read: The Baxters by Karen Kingsbury

Why I picked it up: I’m all-in for the Baxters. This series is 25ish books now and I’m always happy to go back to see where they are.

How I read it: On hardcover.

What it’s about: Kari’s wedding day to Tim. It was lovely to see the happy part of their story. They’re the first focus of the Redemption series and it’s not happy. There’s also some good back story for the rest of the gang.

What I liked: I loved knowing what happened before the previous start to the series.

What I disliked: There was a lot of Ashley and Luke in here too, and their relationship at this stage is so ugly. Some of the things are just hard to read.

Genre: Christian fiction.

Rating & Recommendation: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and only as part of the larger series. A fine beginning, but not a stand alone.