My Corner of the Internet

Flowers from my brother and his FIANCÉ!! So excited they are getting married!!

Yesterday I celebrated my 33rd birthday. Since I was supposed to be away this week for work, I didn’t make any plans. At first I was a little disappointed. My friends took me out for dinner at one of my absolute favorite restaurants in Uptown (Tupelo Honey) on Saturday. Then the two friends (moms of my godsons) are taking me for lunch next Monday since they couldn’t make it Saturday evening.

So I spent the day working, answering lots of birthday texts, taking some phone calls, and making myself dinner. It was thai beef curry in my InstantPot, which was amazing. I even made Naan to go with it. YUM!

My day was ordinary. As I thought about it beforehand I thought I was going to be disappointed, but honestly, it was just what I needed. I read a little (and have just finished the entire The Giver series, which a friend gave me for my birthday and was amazing), cooked, did a Target run, and hung out with me.

Then I made a big announcement on Facebook after reading all of the “Happy Birthday” Posts I got. I’ve been weaning myself off Facebook for the last few months or so, not checking in at all since Ash Wednesday. “Giving Facebook Notice” as the cool kids say (or is that just me?).

And I decided I’m done. So I said, “Thanks for all the bday wishes, but I’m done here. Follow me in Instagram, my Blog, GoodReads, or the old-fashioned telephone. I still take calls!” It was a little wordier than that and a lot kinder, but that means that some of you are new over here on my tiny (very tiny) corner of the internet. (Does the internet have corners?)

I started this blog because it was one of the 25 things I wanted to do between turning 25 and 50. I kept writing because it was helpful for me to have a place to express my thoughts. I really have no expectations except that I can go back and read what I was thinking. It’s more of an online journal, and although I get a little personal, I’m trying to be vulnerable but not overshare.

What do I write about?

Sometimes I really get a bee in my bonnet that I’ve just got to talk about and my friends don’t really want to hear me rant, like this or this most recently. I started reading a ton in the last year and have decided to share that list as well as reviews, January & February. I share things that I find online that are important to me or that I just want to save to look at again in the future. Sometimes I even share home renovations or crafty things like baby shower excitement (that’s next week!). I also do some Scripture reflecting, at least once month.

It’s just me and my thoughts. If you enjoy following along, welcome. If you like to comment, great. If you’re more of a “long time reader, never commenter,” excellent. That’s how I am on most of the blogs I stalk, I mean follow. I’m glad to have you here, and I’m grateful for this space. So I’ll talk to you a few times a week and maybe even see you around!

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  1. I enjoy following along your corner of the interwebs! And so glad to hear you had a nice, chill, birthday! You will still be getting a card from me, even though it’s ridiculously late now…anyway. I’d love to hear more about your decision to be off Facebook sometime! I’ve definitely been spending less time on there.

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