Being Indifferent

being indifferent

Today’s Gospel at Mass was about the greatest commandment.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind,
and with all your strength.

Father had an interesting homily where he talked about the sin of indifference. I was thinking about how connected this is to lukewarmness as well. It’s a “take or leave it” attitude toward the Gospel, Life, Christ, God’s Will, etc…

In general, I’m not indifferent about things. I have opinions about almost every topic on the planet. Not being indifferent is more than just having an opinion about something.

Christ is calling us to All In with Him, not just have an opinion about Him. As Father said, not just thinking about him once or twice a day, but loving him with our entire heart, soul, mind, and strength.

He related it to one of those “balanced life” wheels that are divided into different wedges with one being work, another school, fitness, family, relationships, children, spouse, and spirituality. He talked about how that’s not the kind of balance Christ is commanding us toward.

He wants the whole wheel to be focused toward Him, or rested on the foundation of Him. Then we take our relationship with Him into all of those other areas. He needs to be the center and foundation of our life, not just another wedge, sitting out there if we get to it later.

Spending some time the rest of this Lent to get my wheel on the right foundation.

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